Hemp Update #12

Managing Volunteers Near CBD Crops

If you, or a neighbor, grew hemp last year and there was ANY pollination/seed production, watch out for volunteer plants.  Unless the seed was the result of pollen from a hermaphroditic female, the volunteers have ~50% chance of being males and could soon become a source of unwanted pollen.  In particular, keep an eye out on field ends an edges but birds can carry seed further.  If a farm is in its 2nd or 3rd year of hemp production stay vigilant at all times looking for these strays.

BUT….Cornell Wants Wild Populations

If there are wild populations that have survived in some corner of the farm since WWII ended, please contact your Extension Educator.  The Cornell Breeding Program is interested in including these genetics in future varieties.  It’s a safe bet it thrives in NY if it has continued without care for 70+ years!

Separator Developed in South Dakota:


Banking & Financing in Hemp Industry Article:

Japanese Beetles

Japanese Beetle sightings are on the rise.  However, even though they may take a bite, or two, and you may see more than a few adults, no one has yet to report any significant damage.

Summer 2019 Events:

§  Freeville Organic Farm Field Day – July 31

§  Long Island Hort Res Ext Center Plant Science Day – July 31

§  Hemp Workshop – Empire Farm Days – August 6-8

§  Cornell Hemp Field Day – Geneva – August 13

§  Hemp Twilight Meeting – Orange County Location TBD – August 15

§  Cornell CBD Hemp Field Day – Bluegrass Lane, Ithaca – September 10

More information will be posted as soon as details become available.

You Can See Past Updates Here:
