Hemp Update #11

To Pinch or Not to Pinch?

There have been lots of questions on whether CBD hemp plants should be pinched (top of plant removed to, hopefully, encourage more “bushy” growth that might result in more flowers.)  Since there is no good data suggesting that CBD hemp responds in that manner to pinching there are no recommendations whether it’s a practice that is economically responsible.  The labor to pinch in the field can be quite costly.   Growers might consider performing their own experiment and pinch some plants while not others and compare production at harvest time.  If you need help designing this experiment, give us a call.

If you do decide to pinch, please use good sanitation.  Even though we don’t know what diseases may be transmitted by pruning equipment, it’s a good practice to follow.  Good article on pruning sanitation:


Law Enforcement Reminder

This is a reminder as field planting is finishing-up, as per your contact with NYSDAM, you must inform law enforcement of your planting locations.

(e) An authorization holder shall, no later than 15 days after having been granted authorization, notify, in writing, the applicable unit or units of law enforcement, including the unit or units of law enforcement in the political subdivision in which the registered premises is located, that it has received such authorization and shall provide such unit or units of law enforcement a copy of the security plan referred to in section 159.2(d)(5) of this Part. The authorization holder shall, no later than 15 days after having notified such unit or units of law enforcement, provide the department with a copy of such notification. An authorization holder shall adequately monitor registered premises under its control and shall notify the appropriate unit or units of law enforcement and the department regarding facts and circumstances that indicate that industrial hemp has been or may be held or possessed in violation of the provisions of this Part.

Also remember that several municipalities law enforcement may have your farm in their jurisdiction and you should contact all of them (state police, sheriff, town police, village/city police). Information you supply should include, at least:

· Farm and permitee name/contact info (at all hours)

· the location of the field(s) GPS & street address,

· size of the fields,

· copy of authorization or least their authorization number

· copy of your security plan, if you have not already Making personal contact with an officer in the most direct municipality would be handy too. If there is an issue, there is an officer/chief you have personally spoken to about your production and is familiar with hemp.

No, you may not have all of this information EXACTLY, as you plant but send a plan to be in compliance with your authorization. Then send updates as/if it changes.  For GPS address and large fields, use the GPS location for the primary entry to the field, the way you would approach it if you had an officer with you.

Patagonia to Start Buying US Hemp for Clothing:


Summer 2019 Events:

§  Willsboro Farm Field Day – July 10

§  Aurora Farm Field Crops Field Day – July 11

§  Freeville Organic Farm Field Day – July 31

§  Long Island Hort Res Ext Center Plant Science Day – July 31

§  Hemp Workshop – Empire Farm Days – August 6-8

§  Cornell Hemp Field Day – Geneva – August 13

§  Cornell CBD Hemp Field Day – Bluegrass Lane, Ithaca – September 10

More information will be posted as soon as details become available.

You Can See Past Updates Here:
